Tuesday, March 18 2025

In ForeverMeah Say what?

Happy Holidays from ForeverMeah.Com

As 2015 countdown until the New Year let's reflect on a few things. 

I want to first give thanks for reaching my 33rd birthday. With all the senseless murders, police brutality, threats from terrorist, and the pure will to not give up. You must understand one thing about the New Year - Each day is a New Year. So let's stop waiting until January 1st to make resolution and plans to eat better, exercise, save more, blah blah blah basically things you put off until January that you pretty much could have tackled any other day of the week.
Hating hoes ain't happy /And happy hoes ain't hatin' / Better check the situation - Fabolous
Let's stop making excuse and make understanding. We wouldn't have to worry about Black Lives Matter if every life mattered in the first place. 
Dear Mama please pray for me, sign of the times, in modern day slavery, I’m outta my mind. What happen to the love… All I did was be born black, I guess it’s problem… They say it’s the land of the free, then why they got handcuffs on me… Every 28 hours another one dies at the hands of the police…How can they expect us not to riot when they killing n—-s… They pushing us to the limit, what’s about to happen is a scary vision.” -Booby Gibson [Sucide]
We should be aware of what we put into our bodies and who we let into our lives and take up occupancy in our minds. Learn to dead relationships that continue to take from you without depositing into your emotional and mental banks. Look at it this way...you couldn't withdraw from a bank if you never deposit into it. One of the hardest thing for me this year is walking away from something that I knew was toxic for my well-being. With the love and support of my family and friends my new year has already started. 

"And what's crazy is soon as you fall back, they crawl back /
Saying they sorry and want it all back" - Fabolous
This year moving forward I plan to work on my heart and health. Stress can be a silent killer but so is a broken heart. I refuse to be robbed of my happiness and become emotional unavailable for what's destined to come. 
Now you out here all by yourself, ask Steve Jobs wealth don’t buy health - Pusha T
Life ain't fair! The sooner you realize it the quicker you can let go of the bullsh!t. Stop with the pity parties and play this game called life with the cards you are dealt. You can't blame the dealer just find a way to collect your books (spades reference). 
I seen you from a mile away losin' focus / And I'm insensitive, and I lack empathy / You looked at me and said, "Your potential is bittersweet" / I looked at him and said, "Every nickel is mines to keep" / He looked at me and said, "Know the truth, it'll set you free / You're lookin' at the Messiah, the son of Jehova, the higher power / The choir that spoke the word, the Holy Spirit, the nerve Of Nazareth, and I'll tell you just how much a dollar cost / The price of having a spot in Heaven, embrace your loss, I am God"  
- Kendrick Lamar [How Much A Dollar Cost]
Thank you to all my supporters! This blog game is my hobby. I've managed over 4 website since MySpace days and have fallen in and out of love with this hobby. Like any other blog reader some of these topics are redundant and although it keeps the light on for some by posting fraudulent, and defamation stories I tend to stay clear and maintained my objective criticism on topics I chose to speak on. 

One year and million hits later - let's move into 2016 together and watch this blog continue to grow and as I continue to be ForeverMeah!

Let's stay connected - :) 

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