Tuesday, March 18 2025

In Celeb Drama Karrine 'Superhead' Steffans tellallbook

Karrine ‘Superhead’ Steffans is back telling again?

Karrine ‘Superhead’ Steffans is back telling on industry guys she smashed? 

A decade ago she shook up high-up with the release of her first book, “Confessions of a Video Vixen,” and now she is ready for round two.
She took to Instagram to share the news:

Just because I don't jump up and down trying to defend myself every time someone in my life says or does something negative toward me, doesn't mean I'm accepting their bullshit. The most dangerous person in the room is the quietest. Over the years, I have fought very private wars and let the public spin. I didn't have the energy to fight the world. I was too busy trying to save my own life. But, you see, the thing about writing is that you can do it anywhere, at any time, record everything, then kept it. Just hold on to it...until. After all, revenge is a dish best served cold and the best revenge will always be truth and success. I like to play dead. I like to lull people to sleep with a false sense of victory and when they have fallen asleep, I like to stifle them with my words...stab them with my pen...boil them in its ink. VINDICATED: CONFESSIONS OF A VIDEO VIXEN is on its way and nothing will be the same. Good morning. 💋

ForeverMeah says...

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