In Celeb Drama Interview Meek Mill Nicki Minaj Relationships Safaree Samuels Say what? situationships

Did #NickiMinaj Downgrades #MeekMill to #Safaree Level?

In an interview Nicki Minaj chatted it up with Ellen Degeneres to denouce her first-time public relationship. She stated that she doesn't want to call her relationship with Meek Mill a "relationship" anymore. The irony behind her comment is when she was interviewed by GQ (a few months after ending her 12-year relationship with Safaree) she stated: 

"My decision to be public about my relationship came before I even met Meek. I was in another relationship and I said after I drop my third album that I don’t care anymore what people think. I’m going to be vocal about who I’m with. It just so happens that I’m with a new guy. 

When I came in the business, you couldn’t tell people you were in a relationship, because record company and management said that doesn’t make you appealing to men. So don’t tell people you’re in a relationship. 

So after you do that for ten years it becomes something you feel like you have to do. It’s difficult to break out of that box. So I just vowed to myself, ‘look, I’m about to put out a new album, I don’t care anymore."

However now she seems "unsure and uncertain" and today she says...

“You know, I don’t know," she told Ellen. "We’re still figuring each other out. And in fact, I don’t even want to say that I’m in a relationship anymore, because I think when people hear that, they go to like the mean place.

“You know, I used to be secretive," she continued. "You guys asked me about that before on my pre-interview. I used to say, ‘I’m not in a relationship,’ even though I was in a 12-year relationship. Now I feel like just going back to that and saying, ‘You know what? I’m single.”

The topic arose after Ellen asked Minaj about her "engagement ring" and showed an image of it on the screen. “That’s not my engagement ring though," Minaj responded, "[Meek] said that that’s my second ring and that if I get a third ring that that would be the engagement ring,” 

Minaj puts into context of her reasoning for her waivering views on the relationship label by telling a story of what happened when she didn't post her Valentine's Day gift to Instagram.

“People said, ‘They’re not together.’ We were getting anonymous messages saying, ‘Yeah, she wasn’t with him [Meek] and she was crying all day.’ Just putting up all these things. Meanwhile, we were really in bed all day on Valentine’s Day. Like, seriously! We were in bed all day and then I got up and opened these three amazing gifts, and then I went back to bed. Then I read this story that we weren’t together on Valentine’s Day and it just made me realize that no matter how great your life is, you can’t even impress people. You just have to do you and make yourself happy and forget about trying to get everyone’s approval. It’s better just to keep those things sacred. So, now, I don’t really care to say ‘I’m in a relationship’ or ‘I’m engaged’ or whatever. There’s a boy that likes me. That’s all.

“[Meek] and I are just two souls right now passing through the universe, and I don’t know what’s going to happen. I just have learned over the years to just let things be and come and go as they are going to come and go.”

Here's the full interview below:

Of course soon after +Twitter waste no time to "drag" poor Little Meek Meek for dear life of which +NickiMinaj took to +Instagram to clear up the confusion of which she spoke.

ForeverMeah says... girl, bye. 

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