Monday, March 17 2025

In Cam'Ron Interview Ju-Ju

Cam'Ron and JuJu: V Magazine Interview

Cape wearing Dipset superhero Cam'Ron and longtime girlfriend JuJu told V magazine about how they met, why they're a little too open with their sex & love, reality shows on deck and more:

How did you meet?

Cam'ron: We met by chance. There were stars out and the light of the moon was glistening… Nah, I met her at the airport. I was coming from a show and she worked at the airport. I stepped to her and I was like “Yo, give me your number.” I was walking one way and she placed herself in the lane.

JuJu: He always says I placed myself.

Cam'ron: She did place herself. So I had to speak to her.

JuJu: Well I saw him coming up and I did want to see him up close…well I guess that’s placing.

Do you have a different version of that story?

JuJu: No, it’s just like that. I worked at the airport as a screener and I saw him coming towards our gates, so I did stand at a different post just so I could kinda seem him because if I had stayed where I was at he wouldn’t have seen me. I wasn’t expecting him to say anything I just wanted to see him because I thought he was really cute.

How long have you been a fan?

JuJu: For years. I’ve always listened to his music and I always thought he was cute. I had a crush on him.

Cam'ron: She placed herself.

How long have you guys been together now?

Cam'ron: Ask her.

JuJu: Ask him.

JuJu: I have a year and he has another year. We met in 2002. That’s when I worked at the airport and we’ve known each other ever since We’ve been dating on and off and in 2007 we got back together and we’ve been together ever since. Right babe? He has a different story.

Cam'ron: It was about that time. Maybe 2008. We met in 2002 and we always visited each other and stayed in contact. 2007, 2008 maybe even 2009.

JuJu: Not 9. He does this all the time.

When you gave him your number, did he call right away?

JuJu: He called that night.

That night?! That’s fast. Do you always work that fast?

Cam'ron: Ask her. She came to see me that night!

Where was that?

Cam'ron: In my hotel in Florida.

What’s the most romantic thing he’s ever done for you?

Cam'ron: I’m Mr. Romance.

JuJu: Yeah he is. The one that sticks out the most—I was mad at him because he was in Miami and he was supposed to come home, but he stayed an extra day or two and I had an attitude. He called and was like, “Hey can you bring me something to this hotel. I’m here with some friends.” And I was like “Really?” He must have some nerve to tell me to come to this hotel when I’m mad. You know? And when I got there he had a spa set up for me. The room was filled with roses everywhere. It was so romantic. He hooked it up. So I said, “Where are your friends?” He was like, “No come here. Here’s your mango spa.” (I love everything mango.) He had like, the spa set up and it was really dope. He does stuff all the time.

We can see on your guys’ Instagrams. You guys are the cutest couple on Instagram for sure.
Cam’ron: Thank you.

So, I’m wondering since Cam’ron, you’re known for beefing with people—

Cam'ron: No I’m not!

I mean, you are. You have to admit that. But do you guys ever fight?

Cam'ron: Yeah, we argue.

JuJu: We’re normal people we have arguments, but we resolve them really quick. I’m like “You wanna be my friend?” and he says “No, I’m not your friend right now.” We try to solve them that same day. We don’t let them prolong. I think that’s the best part about our relationship. We settle our problems really quick. We communicate and get it done.

So you guys don’t actually hold grudges? That’s just his reputation.

JuJu: Not with me.

How do you keep it alive?

Cam'ron: Well she’s not with me all the time. She goes to school and she works in Florida, too. So she hasn’t been to school or work in the last week or so because it’s my birthday. Sometimes it’ll go 6 or 7 days and then she’ll come back, but between work and school we basically only see each other 3 or 4 days out of the week.

Basically, like she said we were friends before we got to a relationship and we always had fun as friends and my thing has always been I sign up for fun. I don’t like relationships where you sitting in the house and this person in this room is mad and this person in that room is mad. You wake up. It lingers. I sign up for fun. If it ain’t fun I don’t want to be a part of it and she’s the same way. Who wants to be in a relationship where you have an attitude or you have to sit in your car for an hour before you go in the house. Like, I’m gonna find a reason to go to the store. No one wants to do that. And I told myself if I ever do get into a relationship again it has to be that type of scenario. I don’t want to be having an attitude or mad all the time.

So we think of different ways to do stuff. We have snowball fights in the house. Or I know she hates Styrofoam and rub it next to her ear.

JuJu: We have cook offs. Like, he thinks he can cook better than me.

Cam'ron: I taught her how to cook.

JuJu: Well he taught me, but I mastered it. So…

What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for him?

JuJu: Oh, he can answer that.

Cam'ron: The other day, for my birthday we just had a party at the spot basically at the crib and she flew in some strippers. I mean this might not be romantic to y’all, but its romantic to me. She flew some strippers in and invited a bunch of my friends and we had a bunch of people. Because I got to parties all the time, but its like take a picture here take a picture there. Sign this. “My momma knows your momma they went to school together.” This was more like family and friends maybe 40, 50, 60 people that it was all love and it was a pajama party.

JuJu: Lingerie.

Cam'ron: That was really cool to me because when I go to parties its always like a big atmosphere and even when I’m with my friends its still a lot of people. This was really intimate, but still a little bit of ratchetness on top of it. Which made it romantic for me.

I love that you guys dress alike.

Cam'ron: We don’t dress alike.

JuJu: We have matching furs.

Cam'ron: She try to dress like it’s the Benetton era. But I don’t mind wearing furs. On New Year’s we had the same fur on. Because we got mad fur, but if she wears a red fur I’ll wear a black one. So the other day we wore the red ones, then the brown ones and then I think we had the black ones. After today if she wears brown I’m wearing green. I don't like doing that twin thing too much. Girls think that’s cute.

One thing I love about the both of you is you like to do things on your own. Cam, you produce, Juju, you have your [Candy Jewels] hair, and you do everything independently. Do you think that’s something that brought you two together?
JuJu: I wouldn’t say that, because when I met him he already had his stuff going on. He did movies. I’ve just always had the entrepreneur in me and Cam just inspired me to go out and pursue. Gave me that push on the back. I think it’s dope that we both have independent things going on but we also have a lot that we’re doing together.

Cam’ron: I was the little entrepreneur in her.

What’s next for Cam’ron and Juju?

Cam'ron: Right now we’re getting ready to film a movie, Percentage 2, at the end of March. A lot of people don’t know, but Netflix gave Queen Latifah a ten movie deal and she gave me a few movies to shoot with them. One of the movies was Percentage and that came out already, so we’re getting ready to shoot part two. And then I have a series called “First of the Month” and I’m doing something new where every month I’ll put out a 25-minute episode and five songs along with it. So it’s kind of like a soap opera, but it’s not every week. With music, I’m seeing that there’s always music coming out, and kids aren’t going to wait a year for a new record, so you have to be consistent, so this is a new formula I’m trying. Put out five songs a month for six months. A movie with it, with videos also. So I’ll release it April first, first of the month, and then I’ll put out an EP with five or six songs also. Just did the Diplomat line, capes, lots of different stuff.

And I heard that maybe you guys would want to do a reality show?

Cam'ron: I get all types of calls for reality shows. Couples Therapy called me, Love and Hip-Hop called me, but my whole thing is first off, they don’t pay enough for me. Second, it would have to be a good scenario. I’m not down on reality shows, I like 51 Minds, that company that produces T.I. & Tiny. Other shows, it just seems like they have no real creative control. I’m not dissin’ em. You film, they edit it and you see it once it’s on TV, like, Damn, it wasn’t really supposed to go like that. Like, Couple’s Therapy called and they were willing to give us $100,000. And we don’t need therapy! I was like “Why should we work with you? You’re a therapist from Beverly Hills. You’ve never been to Harlem. You don’t know nothing about struggle. You’ve been in Beverly Hills for 20 years. You ever ride the 4 train?”

Do you guys have any advice for couples?

Cam'ron: That depends on what kind of couple you are. Good couples?

Couples with problems.

JuJu: Communicate.

Cam'ron: Yeah, communicate. I got a new rule. She does it. All girls do it. If you got a problem you have to tell me within 72 hours. Girls like to savor stuff. They’ll be like, “Last year when you were at so and so’s house!”

JuJu: I would just say communicate. If you feel a certain way or it’s bothering you, talk about it. The key is communicating. Like, “Hey babe, what do you think about this?” and I’ll get his input. That’s kind of how we roll. We talk about everything. I like to get his input. He’s been a businessman for a while and when I was starting the hair thing we talked about it for a while. He said, “Go ahead.”

Check out the more at V Magazine and the Behind the scene footage below:

ForeverMeah says... Love is a beautiful thing if you build it on the right platform.

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