Is it me or is the weather slightly depressing? I hate walking my dog early in the morning and it looks as though its 2am instead of 6am. I can't make a decent cup of coffee in the morning. Although my hair is loc'd none of my styles are staying or are comfortable, I can't find anything to wear in the morning yet I am expected to be cordial for 8-hours a day...ugh... (clearly) I haven't been in much of a blogging mood lately. (my bad)
Unlike most sites (thou shall remain nameless) I haven't found anything really worth blogging about.
I can care least about Amber Rose's Slut-Walk and gimmicks. What I thought was possibly a decent idea she has manage to Slutty-up a Slut-Walk. How is that even possible?
Rihanna's dating Travis Scott? umm, ok. Whatever floats her boat. I don't even know who Travis Scott is but since he's not on my radar I ain't mad cause he's on +Rihanna's.
Sanaa and French Montana? *side-eye* Another case of the I.D.K. Something about French just rubs me the wrong way. It's like he has CLOWN written across his face whenever I see him. Nothing - I mean Nothing - is attractive about this guy. He reminds me of a Mall Jeweler or a car salesman. Sanaa is a decent woman but it's a known fact she primarily dated white men - I guess French is a happy medium. To each their own.

T.I. Backtracks On Iggy Azalea Comments? Yup, heavy is the crown of a sinking man. Last week I posted how T.I decided to kick his slave master's daughter to the curb, he has quickly backtracked his story and Iggy predicted. *side-eye* I'm over it.
Nicki Minaj and Meek Mill gets 'sexy' in sneak peek for GQ Magazine photo shoot? There's nothing sexy about these 2 as a couple. I can not jump on the bandwagon for their love. It feels staged and lack of ingenuity. You can watch the sneak peek here.
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