Sunday, March 16 2025

In Celebrity News G.O.O.D. Kanye West label issues PushaT

Pusha T Is Now The President Of G.O.O.D. Music

A HUGE congratulations are in order for rapper, Pusha-T. I just received word that he will be the president of G.O.O.D. Music. 

How did that happen? 
Pusha-T explains to Billboard.Com that he was flying home and  had just got into my car at the airport. ‘Ye had called me and he was like, “Tell me something. What do you think about being the president of G.O.O.D. Music?” And I was like, “Well, what are the things that you’re looking for?” And he was basically just like, to manicure the label, make it profitable and be very business-oriented about it going forward in a manicured type of way.

The interviewer went on to ask...

In a perfect world, what would G.O.O.D. Music look like to you in the next five months?

I just look at capitalizing on everything that I feel like G.O.O.D. Music brings to the music industry, our following, and the culture. First of all, we have incredible artists. It’s definitely about getting those albums out in a very manicured fashion. We have great artistic talent that sort of walk the lines of bringing that excitement back in regards to just the art that goes along with it like DONDA, the merch and things like that. Things that kids are really into these days. 

You see how fashion takes over and these pop-up shops take over and how the music business is a real touring business now, just the things associated with it. Just building it out to make sure that everybody on the label is really capitalizing off of all the assets that really come with GOOD Music, that we really started, that we’ve really been good at. Just really executing all the different avenues of music, art, culture and fashion as well.

Read Full Interview Here: Billboard

ForeverMeah says... Salute, King Push!

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