Last week, I was sad to hear that one of Drill music’s originators, King Louie was shot in his native city of Chicago.
As reported, he and a group of friends sat in a vehicle, roughly 22 bullets were fired at them, 7 of which reportedly struck King L in his chest and head. Miraculously, he survived the incident, escaping death for the 3rd time—as he shared with The Source in an exclusive interview—he was shot once in the leg a month prior, and was struck by a car several years ago.
Given the extreme nature of King L’s attack, an outpouring of love and support was sent to him by fans and various members of the Hip Hop community. One of his most notable visitors happened to be the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, who at the young artist’s hospital bedside providing wisdom, guidance and most importantly, understanding.
“He knows what I rap about. He knows exactly where I come from, but he knows I have a voice and the only way I can speak with that voice is to speak about what people know, and not sugarcoat the sh*t.”King Louie also spoke on his attackers:
“I don’t know who the shooter is, and honestly I don’t give a f**k, but I prayed for them.”
Take a listen to the interview below: Cannot load player config
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