Tuesday, March 18 2025

In Celebrity News Marriage mediatakeout reality TV

MediaTakeOut.Com's Founder Fred Will Be on Bravo Tonight!

Ok, RuPaulFred Mwangaguhunga, founder of Mediatakeout.com, and wife (yes wife) Lawyer Notoya Green will appear on +Bravo’s “My Fab 40th” on Tuesday, September 29th at 10pm EST. 

Here's a little backstory on the couple - As some may know these two were high school sweethearts. In the 12 years they dated before tying the knot, the kindred soul mates kept their long-distance love afloat throughout their college years, then once reunited in their hometown of New York City, they even managed to stay together while enduring the tedious strains of full-time law school. 

By the time they were both practicing attorneys, they were already co-owners of a successful laundry delivery business and experts at balancing careers and love. 

Since Fred has been shopping around reality shows for the past 3 years I wasn't surprised when Bravo revealed that the show will not only celebrate Notoya's 40th Birthday but will also be a renewal of vows ceremony officiated by Rev. Al Sharpton in front of guests La La Anthony, +Floyd Mayweather and some other big names. 

Here's a sneak peak of the show. Will you be watching the Drag Race show?

ForeverMeah says... I was just being messy as Freddie has been throughout on MTO. I will be watching, Beloved :) 

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