Friday, March 14 2025

In Celeb Drama Instagram Kevin Gates Say what?

Kevin Gates Delete All His Instagram Post After Saying He Smashing His Cousin!

Geesh, I guess the pressure of saying publicly that he is banging his cousin and have no interest in stopping finally got to Kevin Gates. The rapper apparently deletes all his Instagram post yesterday (1/12). 

If you follow Kevin Gates on Instagram, you know the dude posts a lot of videos. Often times, it's just Gates chilling in the studio, spitting a few bars, or generally saying what's up. Every now and then you get some weird ass shit like this. 
Gates thought it necessary to blast on Instagram how he's been sleeping with his cousin, and he refuses to stop. Gates says he'd been fucking with her for three months before his grandma told him they were related, and he gives absolutely zero fucks.

Then he says "So you mean to tell me you been fucking with someone for three months, ya heard me, everything beautiful, and your grandma come tell you one day you know that's your cousin? Y'all got the hard part out the way, why fuck up a good thing?"

ForeverMeah says... I guess he finally got tired *shrugs*

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