In 3-part rant on +Instagram Mr. Cam continuously went at Karen Civil with the hashtag #KarenCivilIsALiar after news broke that she told a story back in the day between Cam' and +JAY Z.
Karen allude to a dispute over a parking space that convinced Hov to part ways from Cam'ron and Crew.
“Jay Z was pulling up in his Maybach [to Def Jam/Universal building], Civil explained on an episode of Tax Season. “Cam was in his turtle top, like, parked right there, and he was talking to Duke and we were near the car. Then this Maybach wants to pull up and then they honk. I get excited and I’m like, ‘Oh! I think that’s Hov!’ So, I back up. Cam’s like, ‘Psh, chill out.'”
“So then the car beeps again and Cam ain’t move. So Jay had to get out the car and he walked over and he wanted to see who was in the car, who wouldn’t move out the way. So he came over, he looked. Dipset was out of the [Def Jam/Universal] building the next week.”You can listen to the podcast below: (17:30 mark)
We all know this wasn't the only issue between both Cam'Ron and Jay-Z but it does spark questions of which Cam'Ron had no problem quickly addressing.
mr_camron Pt1: I've haven't went in on Karen ever and been proud of what she's accomplished.. Even if she's lied and stole to get there.. But u not gonna put me in ya bullshit.. Despite what people think Jay-Z and I were not enemies.. He signed off on mad projects we did.. When he didn't have too.. And showed my crew love.. It wasn't till I Left DefJam (not kicked out) till we fell out..and I still respect his hustle and business savvy.. And what he's accomplished.. With that out the way.. Karen civil worked for me and never gave us a shoutout or anything.. And that's fine.. But don't LIE.. I never got kicked out of anywhere.. LA Reid was kind of enough to let me out the deal once he got to def jam.. Cause I had a 5 million dollar deal waiting for me at Warner bros.. And LA Reid begged me to stay.. But I had to grab that bag.. (Thx LA) this story Karen is telling is just another one of her lies..she stole 60k from my cousin @darealdukedagod (and we still have all the bank statements if u wanna Pursue this KAREN) and has yet to pay him back.. And it's my money as well cause it was from my company.. I don't want or need ya money.. But u should have payed duke back by now.. But since u wanna lie.. I pull everything out.. And put u on blast!! Stop lying and stealing.. #IllTakeItThere 😜#UwasntThere #SheWas
mr_camron Pt2: #KarenCivilIsALiar my old staff @yandysmith #UwasThere and so was she #SheWasThere (see previous post) #WatchOutLilBitch
He ends his rant with a recorded phone conversation of him and Karen (via speaker phone) as he add fuel to her stealing money from Duke da God.
mr_camron Pt3: #KarenCivilIsALiar I called her 2 nights ago about @darealdukedagod 60k and all she said was " I never said Duke was slow" my man murf said... Why did u steal da $$?.. She said.." I had to eat" smh #IgotMore #watchOutLilBitch #SheWasThere
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